And so the adventure begins

We’ve arrived in Copenhagen and at first glance – I’m in love! There’s nonstop ooohing and aaaahing at every turn as our eyes soak up the stunning architecture… Everything is designed to perfection… interiors… objects… furniture… outfits… gardens…everywhere I look, there’s a timeless elegance and sophistication. Everyone is dressed immaculately – why not wear heels while peddling to work on a beautifully designed bicycle with a basket full of peonies?
So, why Denmark?
I’ve always had a love of Scandinavian design, and in particular Danish design. And sure, I studied 20th Century design at uni, but it’s not just the factual or historical knowledge of of it that I love, it’s how it makes me feel. I’m not even sure how to explain how it makes me feel. Perhaps in one word I could try to explain: “hygge” – pronounched “hoo-gah”. It’s a Danish word, a concept of coziness and of little pleasures… a feeling of contentment… of ‘living well and living simply’.
When it came time to name my new venture, I had a strong sense it should be a Danish word. I knew the word I wanted in English, and as soon as I saw (and heard) the translation in Danish, I knew immediately it was the name. I had a type of hygge feeling inside.
I romanticised the idea in my head all afternoon, and I remember coming home and showing Andrew. Without hesitation, he agreed it was the perfect fit. “Wouldn’t it be funny if it turned out you had some kind of Danish connection?” he asked.
Well… more on that later…
Follow the Journey
I’d love to share with you what inspires me and what I learn along the way… Join me?